Aerolite 103
Introducing the
Aerolite 103
to the Australian Sky
Empty Weight 107 Kgs
Gross Weight 272 Kgs
Length 16 ft. 3.25 in.
Wing Span 8.185 meters
Wing Area 11.24 sq. meters
Wing Loading @ 450 Lbs. 3.72 lbs / sq. ft.
Wing Loading @ 500 Lbs. 4.13 lbs / sq. ft.
Wing Loading @ 550 Lbs. 4.54 lbs / sq. ft.
Wing Loading @ Max Gross Weight 4.96 lbs / sq. ft.
Design Load Limits @ Gross Weight +4 / -2
Engine Power Requirements 28 hp.-50 hp.
Propeller Max. Diameter 152 cms
Stall Speed, Flaps Extended 23 knots
Stall Speed, Clean 24 knots
Cruise Speed (2) 49 - 55 knots
Top Speed 55 knots
Rate Of Climb 500 - 1000 fpm
Sink Rate 350-400 fpm.
Roll Rate 45° to 45° bank / 2.5 seconds
Take Off Distance 100-200 ft.
Landing Distance 100-200 ft.
Fuel Capacity 19 litres
Endurance 1.5-2.5 hours
Fuel Consumption 7.5 - 17 litres / hour
Range 80-120 miles
Limitations & V-Speeds
Vne (never exceed) 61 knots.
Va (design maneuvering speed) 43 knots.
Vfe (max flaps extended) 60 knots
Vy (best rate of climb) 39 knots.
Vx (best angle of climb) 35 knots
Vs (stall, flaps retracted) 24 knots
Vs (stall, flaps extended) 23 knots
Vr (rotation speed) 27 knots.
Max. Crosswind Component 13 knots
Max. Wind Speed 22 knots.
Max. Bank Angle 45°
Max. Pitch Angle 30°

Empty Weight 235 lbs
Gross Weight 600 lbs.
Length 16 ft. 3.25 in.
Wing Span 26 ft. 10.25 in.
Wing Area 121 sq. ft.
Wing Loading @ 450 Lbs. 3.72 lbs / sq. ft.
Wing Loading @ 500 Lbs. 4.13 lbs / sq. ft.
Wing Loading @ 550 Lbs. 4.54 lbs / sq. ft.
Wing Loading @ Max Gross Weight 4.96 lbs / sq. ft.
Design Load Limits @ Gross Weight +4 / -2
Engine Power Requirements 28 hp.-50 hp.
Propeller Max. Diameter 60 in
Stall Speed, Flaps Extended 26 mph
Stall Speed, Clean 28 mph
Cruise Speed (2) 45-63 mph
Top Speed 63 mph
Rate Of Climb 500 - 1000 fpm
Sink Rate 350-400 fpm.
Roll Rate 45° to 45° bank / 2.5 seconds
Take Off Distance 100-200 ft.
Landing Distance 100-200 ft.
Fuel Capacity 5 U.S. Gallons
Endurance 1.5-2.5 hours
Fuel Consumption 2-4.5 US Gallons / hour
Range 80-120 miles
Limitations & V-Speeds
Vne (never exceed) 70 mph.
Va (design maneuvering speed) 50 mph.
Vfe (max flaps extended) 70 mph.
Vy (best rate of climb) 45 mph.
Vx (best angle of climb) 40 mph.
Vs (stall, flaps retracted) 28 mph
Vs (stall, flaps extended) 26 mph
Vr (rotation speed) 30 mph.
Max. Crosswind Component 15 mph
Max. Wind Speed 25 mph.
Max. Bank Angle 45°
Max. Pitch Angle 30°
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Pics of the wing load and airframe load testing.