Argueably the best ultralight ever built, with over 1600 happy owners worldwide. With it's docile handling characteristics and nimbleness, and more importantly impeccable safety record, the GT400 is a very easy to fly, well balanced aircraft that is a joy to fly (check out the video page).
The Quicksilver GT400 is the choice of many GA pilots who just want to have some fun. With it’s yoke steering, 3 position flaps and 4 point harness, the GA pilot will feel at home very quickly. The Quicksilver GT400 has been around since 1984 and has remained virtually unchanged since then.
There are accessories that are now available to enhance the GT400, like:
Black Max Disc Brakes, 6” Alloy Wheels, Tundra Tyres (18”), GT500 Windscreen, In-Wing Tank, 2 piece GT500 Nose-cone, Updated instrument Panel, and extra wing ribs. (these are all on the GT400 below)
As the Rotax 503 is longer produced, we can supply the kit, and mountings for a 503 (if you happen to have one). We will soon be able to supply the Quicksilver GT400 with the Hirth 50hp engine, and hopefully in the near future the Aviator HFA 4 stroke from New Zealand.
The complete website for Ultralight Aircraft in Australia